Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas pictures with the family.

So I get frustrated doing picture blogs so the order this uploaded is the order you get. It is a little backwards.

Eden in the dress Derek and I gave her for Christmas.

Zarina with her baby doll. This was on our second walk of Christmas day.

Zarina with the Hat and scarf Grandma Harvey made her. (Andrea eat your heart out)

Lacey and Andrea's father in all the plaid he owns. ( He did pose as he turned the lights on his hat on for the picture)

Derek , Carolyn and Zarina the cutest non-family ever!!

Cousins A, Z, and K hanging out.

Jack staring down little jack.

Three cute girls and a stray.

Christmas Eve at my parents house.

Katelynn with her Great Aunt.

Brien and Derek.

I know I may have misspelled a few names, but at least you made it on the post.

I hope everyone one made great memories this past year and had as much fun around the Holidays as I did. Happy late New Year!!


Lacey said...

What a crazy father you have.

Love the pictures. You captured some pretty cute girls.

andrea said...

I do love your scarf picture more. Brien looks funny standing next to Derek. Zarina loves the pictures too, she's mad that I'm not just leaving them up for her to stare at.