I came home from work and had a bowl of cereal for dinner. Not crazy you say. Well, I had to open a new box because the thought of eating what was open grossed me out. ( FYI - I have 3 newly opened boxes)
Another time - Milk was in the fridge not used or moved for 3 days and I had to throw it out. Was it expired you ask? Not at all just the though of drinking it made me gage and I threw it out?
Leftovers are my worst nightmare and certain things should never be eaten the next day. I will box at a restaurant as not to look wasteful and throw away as soon as I get home.
Another time - Fruit & vegetables which I believe can last longer then 4 to 6 days I throw out after 6 days in the fridge. Why you ask? I HAVE NO CLUE!!!
Why am I like this? How do I change my wasteful ways? I know what I am doing is wrong and I still do it. I have tried to eat it or use a product and I get sick to my stomach and can't. Please I need help and I need it before I waste more $$.
Side note - You will be happy to know Derek will drink the milk, gage, after the expiration date and has done it a few times and has gotten mad at me when I've thrown it out. The fruit not so much. I have learned to buy less and to go to the store twice in a week for more fruit as to waste less. I just don't know why I am like this or where it came from. How do I change my mindset?
You are definitely a little crazy. I understand dairy product worries. I can't eat cottage cheese after it's been open for more than a week, even though I'll feed it to my children. (I know so wrong.)
I think the fruit thing is interesting, and you should just give the fruit to me, we'll eat it. I only don't eat it if it's bruised or shriveling.
You are odd.
You are being wasteful by packing your trash in a styrofoam container. I would suggest ordering smaller items from the menu, or something your husband wouldn't mind eating if you don't want it thrown away.
If you have fruit and veggies consider if it's something that can be frozen on a cookie sheet and then dropped into a baggie. This works great for onions and bell peppers. If it's fruit you can cut it up, freeze it, and use it in smoothies. We also make a casserole, or some dish that can use lots of veggies when they are getting older.
I hate when I see the "line" in a milk carton. I think that milk that hasn't moved in days can go bad before the expiration date. When you open the fridge, grab the milk carton and give it a little swirl and shake, then it can't separate and go nasty. Also, if Derek uses/eats something then leave it for him. You can even right him a note on what you would like him to consume.
When milk is getting close to the date I like to make pudding.
BTW we recently opened a container of cottage cheese for Z that was a month (30 days) past the best by date, and it was fine. It didn't look, smell or even taste funny.
That's most of my advice for now. I don't want you to run out of comment space.
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