Friday, January 22, 2010

Out of Balance

One of my goals this year is to get my life into balance. I heard a speaker last week discuss that his life has been out of balance the last 10 months and he is trying to find the balance between work and his personal life. He is also in real estate so I could definitely relate. Part of getting my life into balance was to make time for working out. So this week I started my workouts at the Henderson Rec Center. I did Boot camp Tuesday and Thursday as well as Boxing Tuesday and Thursday. I'm cutting Boxing to just Thursdays as to get home at a decent hour on Tuesday to spend time with Derek since he is off on that day. I also have a class on Saturdays. I am completely sore from head to toe and LOVE it!! I miss the "pain" you get from a good hard workout. I have noticed that I have had more energy and feel better throughout the day. I also went to Red Rock Canyon and did some hiking with some girlfriends this past weekend. We have a goal to go every Saturday, so let me know if you would like to come as well. I can already see the benefits from making time to do this for myself.

Why do we get so tied up in things we put ourself to the side?

I have a lot more to do to get my life in balance, but I think this is a good step in the right direction.

How are you with the balance in your life?

1 comment:

Lacey said...

What times do you go hiking? Are any kid friendly, or would I need to leave Jon and the girls to kinder trails, though he'd probably do better at the harder ones.